Petr Glombíček, Ph.D.
Research interests:
theories of rationality, judgment and common sense
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Petr Glombíček studied at Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague.
2000-2005 Assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Olomouc.
2006-2015 Assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ostrava.
2014 A course on British Empiricism at the Department of Philosophy at the Charles University in Prague.
2015-2016 A course on Philosophy of Language at the Department of Philosophy at the Charles University in Prague.
2018 A course on Genealogy of Common Sense at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hradec Králové.
2019 A course on the development of Wittgenstein's philosophy at the Department of Philosophy at the Charles University in Prague.
Selected publications
Glombíček, Petr. Filozofie mladého Ludwiga Wittgensteina. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart 2016.
(Philosophy of Young Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Glombíček, Petr. Thomas Reid. Malý průvodce. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart 2015
(Thomas Reid. A Small Guide)
Collections edited
Hill, J. and Glombíček, P (eds). Essays on the Concept of Mind in Early-Modern Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010
Hill, J. and Glombíček, P. (eds). George Berkeley: Průvodce jeho filosofií. (A Companion to Philosophy of George Berkeley) Praha: Filosofia, 2009
Glombíček, Petr (ed.) Soukromý jazyk, pravidla a Wittgenstein (Private Language, Rules, Wittgenstein). Praha, FILOSOFIA 2006
Hill, J. and Glombíček, P. (eds). John Locke: život a dílo filosofa (John Locke. Life and Works of a Philosopher). Filosofický časopis, 1, 53 (2005)
Beneš, J., Glombíček, P., Urbánek, V. (eds.), Bene scripsisti... Filosofie od středověku k novověku. Sborník k sedmdesátinám Stanislava Sousedíka (Bene Scripsisti. A Tribute for Stanislav Sousedík). Praha, FILOSOFIA 2002.
Glombíček, P., Kuneš, J. (eds.), Descartovo cogito (Descartes‘ Cogito). Filosofický časopis, 5, 51 (2003).
Glombíček, P., Kuneš, J. (eds.), Cogito, ergo sum. FILOSOFIA, Praha 2003
Articles in English
The Schopenhauerian Background of the Tractatus 5.6-5.641. in: Analytical and continental philosophy. Methods and perspectives. Kirchberg am Wechsel: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 2014 - (Rinofner-Kreidl, S.; Wiltsche, H.), pp. 109-110
What Kant Could Reid, In: Glombíček, Hill (eds.), Concept of Mind in Early Modern Philosophy, Cambridge Scholar Press 2010
Cartesian Common Sense?, Acta Comeniana 24 (2010), pp. 133-142.
Descartes on the Nature of Language, Acta Comeniana 42 (2004), pp. 117-132
Being and Time in the World of Wittgenstein's Tractatus, in: M.Zouhar (ed.), Používanie, interpretácia a význam jazykových výrazov, Bratislava VEDA, 2004, pp. 242-248
The Role of Scepsis in Meditations of René Descartes, Acta Comeniana, 17 (2003), pp. 137-150
Vico, Giambattista. Jak se dnes studuje. (On the Study Methods of Our Times) Praha: Togga 2017.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Praha: OIKOYMENH 2009
Grayling, Anthony. Wittgenstein, Praha: Dokořán 2007
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Modrá a Hnědá kniha. (The Blue and Brown Books) Praha: FILOSOFIA, 2007
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Přednáška o etice (Lecture on Ethics). Organon F, 12, 2005, 1, str. 72-79
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Několik poznámek k logické formě (Some remarks on Logical Form). Reflexe, 26, 2004, pp. 107-113
(with Marina Barabas) Ludwig Wittgenstein, Filosofie. Organon F, 8, 2001, no. 2, pp. 174-189
(with Tomáš Marvan) René Descartes, Hledání pravdy.(The Search after Truth) Filosofický časopis, 51, 2003, 5, pp. 855-874 .
Glauser, Richard. Estetická zkušenost u Shaftesburyho. (Aesthetic Experience in Shaftesbury) Aluze, 7, 2003, 1, pp. 115-129.
(with Tomáš Marvan and Pavel Zavadil) Descartes, René. Meditace o první filosofii. Námitky a odpovědi. (Meditations on the First Philosophy. Objections and Replies). Praha: OIKOYMENH 2003
(with Tomáš Marvan) Descartes, René. Principy filosofie. (Principles of Philosophy) Praha: FILOSOFIA 1998